a new place for all of my stuff

So, I need somewhere central that I can put everything that I do. Youtube is ok for documenting videos of some of the projects I’ve been working on, but it’s hard to get down any complex ideas – especially if you don’t like talking into a microphone and editing footage to make an appealing video. Twitter (X) has always felt like a weird place to talk about stuff just given the range of people that it would reach, and you can’t write longform text so easily. Itch has been a great way to store projects but is very player-facing and not somewhere to post some of the more dev related stuff I want to post, and the steam community forums is definitely not a place for that. So here we are, creating my own ‘blog’, spurred on by a discount I was emailed from namecheap. Here I can keep everything gamedev related under one roof in an environment that I feel like I can control.

Let’s see how this goes. I have a tendency to start something like this and never follow it through so if this ends up being the only post on this website then we’ve all been swindled by my undiagnosed spicey brain yet again…

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